Phases Of Manatee Removal From The Alligator Hole River In Clarendon
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Phase 1: Preparing the manatees for life in the wild. They are encouraged to feed from the bottom of the river, as this is what manatees do naturally in the sea.
Phase 2: Natural History Society of Jamaica approach Environmental Foundation of Jamaica for further funding for phase 2, which involves:
(1) Aerial Survey to assess the Jamaican manatee population
(2) The release of the Alligator Hole River Manatees
(3) Educating Jamaicans about the manatees
(4) Training of a local scientist (Raymond Pryce) in manatee management - Mr. Pryce is supervised by
Dr. Eric Garraway (Zoology lecturer at the University of The West Indies, Mona Campus).
(Funding for phase 2 was also provided by Save The Manatee Club)
Phase 3: Satellite tracking and Radio Monitoring of the three manatees.
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